
Business Texting Library: Reviews

Get more five star reviews with custom review requests.

Increase your star rating with custom review requests. Just copy and paste the messages below, then replace the bracketed text with your own details.

Smiling businesswoman sitting at desk with laptop computer and looking at camera.

Request Reviews and Referrals

It’s been great working with you! If I can help any of your neighbors or family members, I’d really appreciate your referral.
I’m so happy that you enjoyed our service! Would you mind leaving us a review [LINK]?
Happy with our work? Refer a friend and receive [DISCOUNT] off your next service.
It’s great having clients like you, [NAME]. Any referrals, reviews, or recommendations you could provide for [YOUR BUSINESS NAME] are always appreciated (but never expected). Thanks! – [YOUR NAME]
Hey, [NAME]. Would you mind leaving me a review on [WEBSITE]? It would really help me out. I appreciate your time and business! [WEBSITE LINK]

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